Help a Coach Out Referral Program

We want to build our coaching community into a place where coaches help coaches. In particular, we've found that a lot of coaches enjoy getting to know each other and then once they know each other, often refer clients to each other.

The Help a Coach Out service is meant to make it easier and more profitable for you to make referrals.

The benefits of referrals.

Often, some of our best coaches have a few open spots for new clients. Those are the coaches that you'll have the easiest time making a referral for.

Every referral you make helps that coach out, helps your friend out, and is a way to make significant money for yourself. Making a referral can be as simple as forwarding a link to a friend. That simple act can earn you as much as $500. 

This service is what we call a triple win. Your friend wins a life-changing introduction to a great coach. Your coaching peer wins a boost to their business. You win a referral bonus.

How it works

The Help a Coach out program is very simple on the surface.

You'll hear about up to one coach per day. To tell you about the coach, we'll send two emails.

The first email is the inside story about the coach. We'll say how we know them, share some of our internal stats, describe for you how to find an ideal client.

The second email is "from the featured coach" and is meant to be something you can forward. Possibly you'll want to add a little introduction of your own or edit the email a bit. However, our hope is that we're making introductions extremely easy for you.

In addition to the cold, hard logic of making money through referrals, we're hoping that this program simply feels good.

The referral money you make helps justify making time in your work schedule to make introductions. However, everyone I know who is serious about making introductions also finds them incredibly rewarding. Making an introduction is a chance to do a service for one of your peer coaches and also make a life-changing introduction for someone in your life. 

That feeling of helpfulness is why we called it Help a Coach Out rather than something like "Featured Coach Referral Program."

How coaches get featured

You probably want to get featured! However, please give us time to work out a process for featuring coaches. 

Our goal is to constantly be sharing the best coaches in the world. The coaches in the early pipeline are mostly coming from our recent Marketing Bootcamps. Every coach can be the best in the world at something. Those two boot camps gave us a chance to understand what made each coach special.

This quality issue is really crucial to the entire program. You need to know that these coaches have been well vetted. Of course, you have a chance to get to know these coaches in Slack. But I'm also promising that I've reviewed their track record with clients and even gone over coaching transcripts. 

How to get started

If your membership is inactive, renew it

After that, do nothing. you'll get a new featured coach in your email up to five times per week.

Or if you're in a hurry, you can browse the Help a Coach Out section of your coaching dashboard to see who we've featured so far and who we are just about to feature.